Monday, March 30, 2009

Thoughts on Grading...

So, I was sitting at my laptop, trying to think of something remotely interesting to write about for this blog. Needless, to say, I got distracted, but I started thinking. I came upon the realization that in less than one year I am going to be student teaching. As English major, I can more or less know what to expect as far as content goes, but this led me to think about my high school English courses and the way in which grades were normally given. We always got quizzes and tests about the content of the work . Every so often there was an essay thrown in to make us think critically.

But is that really how students should be tested? I mean the point of literature isn’t to understand the plot; it’s to take some kind of knowledge or lesson away from the text. Wouldn’t it be better to give essay assignments asking students to focus on certain aspect of the work, rather than rote memorization tests?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I think that tests and essays that students take in class is just a bit stressful. If you have them do something take home they can still show you if they understood. You have to find the right kind of assessment for you! Jenna : )
